How Lab Technicians Use PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) In Diagnostics

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Reem Matar Alharthi, Adel Saeed Ahmed Alahssay, Ahmed Ayed Al-Anazi, Abdulaziz Abdlluh Almajed, Hind Hassan Alzahrani, Thanwa Khalaf Alshammei, Abdu Yahia Mohd Asiri, Kamlah Abdullah Mohamed Almaqaadi, Faleh Ali Faleh Alshahrani, Ahmed Hamza Abdo Asiri, Mohammed Fuhaid O Alnusayri, Fahad Ahmad Alfahad, Abeer Ahmed Mubarak, Ahlam Mohammed Alqaseer, Abdulelah Abdulmaoeen Shami


Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a revolutionary molecular diagnostic tool widely used in laboratory diagnostics for detecting and analyzing specific genetic material. Lab technicians utilize PCR to amplify trace amounts of DNA or RNA in biological samples, enabling the detection of pathogens, genetic disorders, and other disease markers with high precision. PCR has become indispensable in clinical diagnostics, especially in infectious disease testing, genetic testing, and cancer research. This article explores how lab technicians use PCR in diagnostics, the underlying principles of PCR, its applications, and the role of PCR in enhancing the accuracy and speed of disease detection.

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