Portable Medical Technology: How Paramedics Use Cutting-Edge Tools on the Go

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Rashed Mohammed A Alsharyah, Abbasi Ali Mohammed Alrabie, Nasser Salem Nasser Almansour, Ali Ayed Almutairi, Nasser Faleh Alhajri, Abdullah Mohammed Almurdhimah, AwadhTheeb Alotaibi, MeshariHamed Alotaibi, Feras Ghazi Eskandarani, Mana Mahdi Mana Alsharaiah, Mohammad Hassan Mohammad Alsharyah, Ali SalehHamad Al Mansour, Hassan Mahdi Mohammed Alsharyah, Faisal MarzouqHadi Alrashidi, Zumrur Mohammed Al Muhamidh


Portable medical technology has revolutionized the way paramedics deliver emergency care in the field. With the increasing need for rapid response to medical emergencies, paramedics are now equipped with advanced portable tools that allow them to assess, treat, and stabilize patients outside of traditional healthcare settings. These tools range from handheld diagnostic devices to mobile telemedicine platforms, providing paramedics with the ability to offer high-quality care on the spot. This article explores the evolution and current applications of portable medical technology, discussing how these tools are enhancing emergency medical services (EMS), improving patient outcomes, and addressing the challenges paramedics face in providing care in diverse environments.

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