The Role of Emergency Team in Management and Treatment of Patients with Severe Burns

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‏Hassan Dhafer Ali Al-Shahri, ‏Abdulaziz Musaad Alasmari, ‏Mohammed abdulaziz ‏alasmari, ‏Saad Abdul Qader Ali Al-Shahri, Mohammed Ali Mohammed Alshehri, Zainalabidin Masoud Ali Alyami, Mohammed Mahdi Hussein Al-Rubaie


Severe burn injuries are a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, and affect an estimated 265,000 individuals in the Saudi Arabia . Despite significant advancements in the field of burn care in the recent decade, major burns continue to pose huge therapeutic challenges for medical professionals due to the high risk of serious complications developing, such as sepsis and multiorgan dysfunction syndrome. Early, appropriate management of severely burnt patients often determines their outcome, and treatment delay or a lack of systemic evaluation by an emergency team can have fatal consequences.

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