Behavior and Strength of Concrete Slab Reinforced by GFRP and Strengthened by Pre-Stressed Laminated CFRP Under Uniformly Distributed Loading

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Alabid Ali Abdul Naby Ahmed, Leong Sing Wong, Mutaz Kadhim Medhlom


Total of seven specimens included control specimen without strengthening were tested under the effect of pressure load that represented solid concrete slab reinforced by Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) bars with four edges fixed as boundary condition and strengthened by different layouts by Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) strips or (CFRP) laminated.  The behavior and strength of tested specimens were discussed and evaluated such as strength and deformation, stiffness, ductility and energy dissipation based on the recorded and observations of tested results of each tested specimen. As results, Presences of CFRP strips or laminated CFRP   gave increased in load strength capacity due to represents an additional reinforcement that placed at tension zone of tested specimens that lead to increase in resistance against applied loadings. The failure mode occurs as flexural due to the design requirements as reinforced concrete slab by applied the methodology that proposed by ACI-318-2019 as under reinforcement due to the yielding in reinforcement before concrete failure. The design principle of GFRP bars without traditional reinforcements based on the equivalent tension force (differ in yielding strength).

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