Integration between Digital Platforms and Artificial Intelligence Applications on the Development of Engagement Skills in Learning among University Students

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Ahmed Sadek Abdelmagid, Naif Mohamed Jabli, Adel Ibrahim Qahmash, S. H. Almutairy


The current research seeks to develop engagement skills in learning and digital trust among university students by designing an interactive e-learning environment based on the integration of the edX Digital platform with some artificial intelligence applications. To achieve this goal, a random sample of undergraduate students at the College of Education, King Khalid University, was selected and divided into two groups: The first empirical group numbered (28) students and used the edx platform with some artificial intelligence applications, and the other empirical group numbered (29) students who used Blackboard platform. A scale of engagement in learning was prepared, and a scale of digital trust, and a “T” test were used to analyze the findings of the research. The study indicated that there is a statistical significance between the integration of the edx Digital platform with some artificial intelligence applications and the Blackboard platform in developing engagement skills in learning in favor of the edX Digital platform. The findings also indicated that there is no statistically significant difference between the integration of edx Digital platform with some applications of artificial intelligence and the Blackboard platform in developing digital trust skills among students at the College of Education.


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