Evaluation, Supervision, and Control (ESC) Strategies in Student Drop-Out Management in Islamic Higher Education

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Agus Zaenul Fitri, Hosaini


Evaluation Strategy (ES), Monitoring Strategy (MS), and Controlling Strategy (CS) are carried out to provide input, action, and supervision in addressing the dropout rate in Higher Education Institutions. This paper aims to identify aspects of ES, MS, and CS in dealing with dropout rates in study programs at Islamic universities (IHE). Clustering data analysis using the meaning clustering data K-Means++ model was used to analyze the data of 1870 students of the Islamic Religious Education (IRE) study program who were still in student status at UIN Tulungagung. This analysis found that the potential high dropout rate at university reached 18.8% of the total number of students. The study results show that the program requires ES, MS, and CS actions in dealing with the high dropout rate. During the literature study, it was found that several stages must be carried out in the ES process and several strategic aspects must be considered in dealing with the potential dropout rate through several ways so that the strategy is easy to implement and control so that dropouts can be controlled.

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