Joint Optimal Dispatching of CHP With Heat Storage and Wind Power Considering Demand Response and Environmental Protection Cost

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Cui Y., Ji Y., Zhong W., Cui C., Xu B., Zhao Y.


Clean pollution-free wind power is one of the key technologies to solve global energy crisis, but at the same time the problem of accommodation is also the main factor to restrict its development. A combined optimal dispatching model of combined heat and power (CHP) unit with heat storage and wind power is constructed considering demand response and environmental protection cost. The source side utilizes heat storage device to break the coupling constraint of "power determined by heat" of the CHP unit, and the load side is merged into demand response to adjust the users' electric load curve. By optimizing the output of each unit and the demand curve of electrical load, the wind power connected to the grid is increased and the emission of sulfur and nitrogen compounds is reduced. The model takes the minimum operation cost of the system as objective, comprehensively considers the environmental protection cost on the source side and the satisfaction degree of the users' electricity consumption on the load side, and solves it with CPLEX. Finally, IEEE 30-node system is taken as an example for analysis. The results of the example show that the model can ensure power quality of the users side while taking into account the operating cost of the power generation side, effectively promote wind power accommodation and reduce contaminant emissions.

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