Analysis of Renewable Energy Participation in Primary Frequency Regulation and Parameter Setting Scheme of Power Grid

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Liu Y., Shao G., Zhang H., Wang C.


With increasing proportion of wind power, photovoltaic and other renewable energy sources in power system, the proportion of conventional synchronous generators gradually decreases, and the primary frequency regulation capability of the power system is gradually weakened. To improve this situation, Northeast Power Grid has launched a pilot project enabling renewable power plant to actively support the power system, including improvement of primary frequency regulation capability of renewable power plants. Firstly, this paper analyses the impact of increasing proportion of renewable energy on power system frequency. Secondly, the principle of primary frequency regulation capability of renewable power plants in Northeast Power Grid is expounded. Through simulation, it analyses the change of frequency characteristics of Northeast power system after renewable energy participation in primary frequency regulation. Finally, it demonstrates necessity of optimizing parameter setting of renewable energy's primary frequency regulation, and innovatively puts forward a scheme of parameter setting according to the location of renewable energy in the power grid and classification of power supply. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme improves the frequency characteristics of power grid and also considers security of power grid.

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