Asymmetrical Phase-controlled Hybrid Switching System Applied to Ground-switching Auto-passing Neutral Section System

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Wang S., Zou J., Zhang L., Tian Y., Dong E., Cong Y.


The previous ground auto-passing neutral section systems were limited by the traditional switch and neutral section, so that transient over-voltage and inrush current occurred during the switching of the power supply feeders. The dead time of the power supply is long, which causes the auxiliary power supply system to start and stop frequently. Mechanical switch has strong instantaneous overload capacity and high reliability. All-controlling power electronics device can be turned off accurately at a selected point. So a ground-switching auto-passing neutral section system based on fast vacuum circuit breaker (VCB) and power electronics device is designed in this paper. Different phase-controlled schemes are developed for different directions. Overvoltage and inrush current are suppressed, and the auxiliary power supply system is continuously powered. The closing window of the circuit breaker is obtained and the influences of the closing time scatter and the pre-strike on inrush current are presented based on the analysis of remnant flux and saturation flux of main transformer. The model of traction power grid and CRH5 locomotive are established in MATLAB simulation software in this paper. The transient process of the traction power supply system and the switch system is simulated. A phase-controlled platform is established to verify the effectiveness of the system.

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